Winston Scott gets dragged into a vast conspiracy triggered by his estranged brother's raid on the Continental. He must help him escape Cormac, the sadistic gangster who runs the hotel, who will stop at nothing to retrieve a stolen coin press.
Winston is consumed by a desire to avenge his brother and bring justice to Frankie's name. Knowing that he can't mount an attack on Cormac alone, he recruits a motley crew of specialists to help overthrow the Continental.
Struggling to put the final pieces of the plan together, Winston's team fractures under dissent and distrust, but they manage to wage an all-out assault on the hotel. With the body count rising on both sides, Cormac cracks under the pressure.
Mel Gibson
Colin Woodell
Young Winston Scott
Mishel Prada
Nhung Kate
Katie McGrath
The Adjudicator