Nikola is content to live a normal life in her small, tranquil village, until the day a curious man named Haga arrives; Haga claims to be investigating the world, and his quest to do so will open Nikola's eyes to all kinds of unseen wonders.
After what she's been through, Nikola is now determined to join Haga on his quest to debug the world and become a King's Seeker herself; Haga has no idea what to make of this development, so he reluctantly agrees to take her with him.
After a nasty encounter with some fellow debuggers, Haga takes Nikola to the Advent Altar to teach her an invaluable lesson about abusing the power of the debugger stones.
Haga and Nikola stumble across a buggy forgotten village in the remote reaches of the country; there, they meet an interesting character by the name of Isora Amano who has some alarming information on the other debuggers.
Now that the evil debuggers have crossed him, Amano readily joins Haga and Nikola in the name of revenge.
The party works their way through the game's main story in order to get close to the evil debuggers.
Ai Kakuma
Kaito Ishikawa
Hinaki Yano
Reiji Kawashima
Rie Takahashi