Ed Skrein
Guest Appearances
GAME OF THRONES · S3, E8Second Sons
A wedding is held at King's Landing; Tyrion and Sansa spend the night together; Dany meets the Titan's Bastard; Davos demands proof; Sam and Gilly meet an older gentleman.
GAME OF THRONES · S3, E9The Rains of Castamere
Robb presents himself to Walder Frey, and Edmure meets his bride. Jon faces his harshest test yet. Bran discovers a new gift. Daario and Jorah debate how to take Yunkai. House Frey joins with House Tully.
Season Three Finale. Joffrey challenges Tywin. Bran tells a ghost story. In Dragonstone, mercy comes from strange quarters. Dany waits to see if she is a conqueror or a liberator.