Susan Calman hosts the first edition of the genre-busting game show, three amateur sleuths watch as police in the fictional town of Mortcliff investigate the murder of a local artist.
Three contestants piece together the murder of a successful inventor; suspects include: friends, colleagues and rivals.
When another body shows up at the Bay Cliffs, the detectives realize someone is slowly killing off the jury one by one.
When a star lawn-bowling player dies at the bowling green Susan Calman and three more detectives try to piece together who had the means, motive and opportunity.
Suspects are limited when the body of a local ranger is found at Concido Woods; Scottish comedian Susan Calman hosts.
A member of a notorious criminal gang is found dead, Susan Calman hosts as the amateur detectives determine if it was an inside job.
Stephen Billington
DI Knight
Roger Jean Nsengiyumva
DC Slater
Sarah Baxendale
Susan Calman
Rob Brown