Kevin and his team of experts head to the streets to show how explosive hydrogen peroxide can really be; what happens when pressurized liquid nitrogen and thousands of ping pong balls are combined.
Kevin and his team of experts explore the incredible science behind fire; demonstrating how to make it rain fire and how to create a fire tornado.
Kevin and his team of science experts use a racecar to put a new twist on an old magic trick and show what it takes to build homemade hovercrafts.
Kevin and his team of experts explore the science behind food; showing just how to cook with a red hot nickel ball and how a bunch of bananas can be transformed into a piano.
Kevin and his team of experts explore the strange science behind oobleck, a bizarre material that can behave as both a solid and a liquid.
Kevin and his team of science experts head to the streets to show what it takes to build a vortex cannon that can pump out a ring of fire; they transform everyday objects into explosive fireballs.
Kevin Delaney
Guy Nickerson
Lauren Williams
Kyle McCabe