A teenage Clark Kent must learn how to harness his superhuman powers while growing up in Kansas; Clark tries to avoid being the victim of a high school hazing ritual.
Without revealing his superpowers, Clark tries to save Lana from becoming the prey of a buggy classmate infected by kryptonite insects; Lex ponders what to do with Lana's strange kryptonite necklace.
Despite his father's wishes, Clark joins the football team and discovers that the coach has a fiery temper; Lex duels his father over the control of LuthorCorp.
Clark is staggered by his new-found ability to see through solid objects with X-ray vision, especially when he witnesses Lex Luthor commit a bank robber; a shapeshifting teenager threatens Lana.
Clark confronts a cold-blooded Casanova who has a permanent case of hypothermia, especially when he tries to cuddle up to Chloe for her body heat; Clark and Lana enjoy an evening out on the town.
An old woman grants Clark a glimpse of his future, while Lex takes advantage of the seer's gift to learn more about his friend's secret; a bitter old man is rejuvenated by a fountain of youth.
Tom Welling
Clark Kent
Erica Durance
Lois Lane
Justin Hartley
Oliver Queen
Cassidy Freeman
Tess Mercer
Allison Mack
Chloe Sullivan