Battle of the Sexes

Battle of the Sexes

S1 E4: Claudia is stirring things up on the colony when she decides that there is more to life than just cooking and cleaning and goes against tradition risking punishment to work with the men. After Claudia finally convinces Toby to let her help him, she embarks on an array physically challenging and sometimes nauseating jobs. The colony is not supportive of Claudia doing men's work because it is against tradition and wonder what it's going to take for her to give up. Wesley is dealing with his own struggle on the colony when equipment keeps breaking down and he takes it upon himself to lobby for new equipment. After an argument with Marvin, Wesley gets frustrated because even though he has a college education and has worked on the colony all of his life, he has no vote because he isn't baptized yet. When the men vote on the equipment, Wesley has to wait outside hoping they will make the right decision. Will Claudia finally decide to give up men's work or will she get punished for breaking tradition and will Wesley get the equipment or be ignored by the men because he isn't baptize.