Sam and the Skypainter/Deer Friend

Sam and the Skypainter/Deer Friend

S1 E13: After being surprised with a card and gift for Brother's Day, Sam makes plans for Sister's Day. There's a Father's Day and a Mother's Day, but Sam didn't know about Brother's Day. It's actually an invention of Stella's, and a reason to surprise Sam with a homemade gift. Sam decides the next day is Sister's Day and secretly makes a macaroni necklace. But it's a challenge keeping his surprise from Stella and keeping his necklace from his pasta-loving dog. It turns out, the best surprise of all is waking Stella early enough to see a spectacular sunrise./Stella helps Sam make friends with a fawn that he surprised in the meadow. While playing hide-and-seek in the meadow, Sam scares away a fawn. He hopes to see it again someday. Stella takes Sam to a sunny glade where the fawn apparently lives, but it's not at home. While they wait, Stella teaches Sam a favourite deer game called 'Antler Ring Toss.' They don't see the fawn, but Sam draws a picture for him and posts it on a tree. The next morning he's surprised and delighted to see deer tracks around the picture.