Bump 'n' Roll / Night of the Living Bread

Bump 'n' Roll / Night of the Living Bread

S2 E7: Mr. Bumpy, rock star extraordinaire ( or so he thinks), sets out on a World Tour around the house, flailing away on his majorly over-amplified electric guitar, while his faithful sidekick and roadie, Squishington, carries his equipment and drives the limo. Too bad for the Cute Dolls; the horrendous din created by our warty green monster is too much for their well-bred, prissy American ways, and they completely crack, turning into blood-thirsty, "Kill the Bumpy" torpedoes of hate. But everything they try to do to Bumpy is misconstrued as evidence of their ever-loving adoration of the "rock" star. So Bumpy just plays louder! A light show that puts Floyd to shame, tanks helicopters and the Rolling Stones, all converge for a finale that literally blows Mr. Bumpy and Squish into outer space! "Whoa! What a rush!" / The tables are turned when strange radiations mutate a harmless slice of bread into a slavering, feeding-frenzied, piece of terror toast! Our heroes, Bumpy and Squishington must scramble for their very lives. Fortunately, in the end, Bumpy knows which side the bread is buttered on and defeats the heinous whole wheat.