Child Psykolojiky / Olive's Boithday Presink / Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle

Child Psykolojiky / Olive's Boithday Presink / Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle

Popeye and Poopdeck Pappy violently disagree on how Swee'pea should be raised.. Popeye believes in the modern methods described in child psychology books but Pappy opposes him. / Popeye is in a shop looking at bearskin coats for Olive's Birthday present. Deciding on getting the real thing, our hero heads for the forest where he meets a big bear. After wrestling the huge animal to the ground, Popeye runs off with his coat, only to learn the animal had bought it from the same shop! / Popeye takes pity on old Rip, who doesn't appreciate the sailor's interest in him.