It's a blustery Christmas Eve in Limerick, Ireland, when ANGELA'S CHRISTMAS begins. Angela (voiced by Lucy O'Connell) is almost 6 years old. Her harried widowed mom (Ruth Negga) is struggling to get her four kids ready for church. Angela is fighting with Pat (Brendan Mullens), one of her two big brothers, which doesn't make things any easier. And the fact that they don't even have enough coats to fit everyone is troubling as well. It's very cold in St. Joseph's Catholic Church as Angela's family joins the worshippers. The little girl can't help but notice that baby Jesus, who lies only in a diaper in the nativity scene's manger, must be freezing. It worries her so much that after the service, she secretly vows to make sure he's warm. As the narrator says, "Little ideas are often the seeds of big trouble." And so it is with Angela, who finds that her best intentions lead to an adventure she never expected.