Bombay to Goa
Just when the tourist bus to Goa is leaving Bombay Central, Mala - Aroona Irani comes running and boards it. Her entry is greeted with many admiring glances, as it was not often that such a beautiful girl took this bus and that too, alone. Aruna may have been alone on the bus, but those who are vitally interested in her movements have momentarily been left behind. The evil Shatrughan Sinha and his cronies follow in their car. They are after Mala because she has witnessed them committing a murder. Meanwhile, young Ravi - Amitabh Bachchan has already sensed the danger that is lurking on the road from Bombay to Goa and catches the bus midway.
Starring Masamichi Okuda, Aruna Irani, Amitabh Bachchan
Director S. Ramanathan