
Deep space. Endless night on L-4 Off-World Penitentiary, which houses the most dangerous criminals in the universe. Their leader, Karl Stark, is a handsome, natural-born killer, devoid of conscience, who stows away with his men on a barge destined to land on Earth's moon. On the far side of the moon John Russell is in charge of the Moonbase Waste Disposal Plant. It's a boring, thankless job, until he receives word that a high-level shuttle is coming from corporate headquarters. When he hears the Pentagon will also be along, he wonders why they'd bother to inspect Moonbase. Before Russell gets an answer, Stark and his lethal band land, and they're in no mood for games. They want another ride home to Earth. Time is running out for Stark as the corporate shuttle arrives. On board is a platoon of heavily armed Marines and Russell's old girlfriend, Dana. The reason for the high-level visit - a cache of nuclear warheads concealed under the Moonbase radioactive dump. They will soon be caught in a fierce battle with Stark and his men, as both sides race to get their hands on the deadly warheads.
Scott Plank, Jocelyn Seagrave, Robert O'Reilly
Paolo Mazzucato