Portraits tells the story of Mira, a down-on-her-luck artist, who discovers she has inherited a mysterious building in Los Angeles from an unknown relative. Seizing this new opportunity, Mira uproots her life to start something new. But it isn’t long until her fate draws her deeper into her family’s secret past, and her attraction to her mysterious new friend, Madeline, slowly reveals itself. As Mira embarks on her new life and romance with a fellow photography classmate, a string of brutal murders besiege those around her. Do her series of re-occurring nightmares point to the unknown killer, or are they a link to Mira’s dark ancestral history? Portraits is a modern day adaptation of Carmilla, a female vampire story that takes place in present day LA against a backdrop of victorian death photography and burlesque. A dark and atmospheric fairy tale heavily influenced by films such as The Hunger, Angel Heart and Nosferatu, Portraits is a psychological and romantic thriller.
Starring Amanda Jones, Jack Bennett, Olivia Bellafontaine
Director Stephanie Paris