Corin Nemec
Guest Appearances
NCIS · S4, E17Skeletons
When Ducky and Abby confirm that they have identified the remains of at least five people, the NCIS team immediately begins notifying the families in the hopes of making some connection between the seemingly random selection of victims.
Lex faces the consequences of a scandal from his past in Metropolis when an old enemy comes to Smallville intent on destroying Lex's life, putting Clark and Lana in danger. While protecting Lex, Clark must also prevent Chloe from investigating the mystery of Clark's adoption.
STARGATE SG-1 · S6, E7Shadowplay
SG-1 receives a delegation from Kelowna a country on Jonas' home planet. The leader of the delegation tells SG-1 that peace on his planet is being threatened by a non-aggression pact between two rival powers. The Kelownans offer to trade naquadria for some of Earth's superior military technology. Without it the Kelownans say they will be forced to unleash the awesome destructive power of their newly developed naquadria bomb. Dr. Kieran a Kelownan scientist who worked on the bomb tells Jonas he's part of a resistance movement bent on saving the planet from destruction. Jonas tell Hammond a coup is afoot and the Pentagon sends SG-1 to negotiate with the Kelownan government. It's an emotional homecoming for Jonas who is still seen as a traitor by some of his countrymen. While Dr. Kieran arranges a meeting between SG-1 and the leaders of the resistance Kelownan First Minister Valis tells Jonas that Kieran has been acting strangely and asks him to spy on the doctor. On the way back to resistance headquarters Kelownan guards open fire on Jonas and Kieran chasing them into a warehouse. Jonas drives them off with cover fire but Kieran falls off a catwalk and is knocked unconscious. The Kelownans deny attacking Kieran as a rebel spy. Carter uses a special device to track Kieran's smuggled naquadria to resistance headquarters. They find naquadria but the building is otherwise deserted. Brain scans reveal that Kieran is suffering from advanced schizophrenia caused by prolonged exposure to naquadria. The team realizes that the resistance was a fantasy that existed only created in Kieran's deteriorating mind. The Kelownan bomb project turns out to be flawed technology and SG-1 returns home with a large quantity of naquadria leaving Jonas' troubled homeland to fight its battles alone.
GHOST WHISPERER · S3, E18Pater Familias
A series of possessions finally leads Melinda to the truth about her family's past.
GHOST WHISPERER · S3, E17Stranglehold
When Melinda is given the file number of a murder case for which her father was lead prosecutor in 1979. With the file, Melinda sets out to find whether or not the victim's murder or the trial is linked to her father's disappearance.