Paul Williams
Guest Appearances
STAR TREK: VOYAGER · S6, E13Virtuoso
The Doctor's passion for music spills over into his personal life.
THE FALL GUY · S1, E1Pilot
Hollywood stuntman Colt Seavers hatches an elaborate plan to nab a corrupt sheriff, and he runs into trouble trying to protect an old friend.
BABYLON 5 · S2, E12Acts of Sacrifice
Sheridan tries to remain neutral as tensions mount between the Narns and the Centauri; Ivanova allies with the Lumati.
WALKER, TEXAS RANGER · S4, E4Collision Course
Walker and C.D. race to save C.D.'s niece after she is kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, who forces her to escort him on his bank robbing escapades like a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde.
227 · S4, E11Play It Again, Stan
While waiting to depart for Acapulco, Mary dreams she's in Casablanca, with Lester as the lovelorn "Rick" and Billy Dee Williams as Billy Dee Hasbro, her freedom fighter husband.