Fate intrudes when a nine month pregnant woman is lured to the home of a deeply troubled young woman with a secret plan to steal her fetus. In less than 24 hours, the expecting mom will be forced to fight for her life and the life of her unborn baby.
Two New Orleans police officers work side jobs at the same restaurant. As their lives intertwine, their relationship turns hostile. One of them will unleash a murderous rampage that will bring the entire Crescent City to its knees.
Stuart Alexander fights to save his family's 80 year old sausage plant while Jean Hillery fights to prove herself as a newly-promoted USDA officer. When Jean threatens to shut down the factory for health violations the two collide in a deadly face off.
Kelley Branam lives in Miami's most exclusive neighborhood. Guillermo Zarabozo lives in its grittiest. It's improbable that their paths would ever cross. But, in less than 24 hours, their lives will intersect at sea in a fatal encounter.
19 year old Mark Fisher is bar hopping in NYC when he leaves his buddies and takes up with a new group. His new acquaintenes take him to an afterhours party where he becomes the target of a gang initiation that could cost him his life.
Genore Guillory has been helping her struggling neighbors with paid work and financial support, even naming them as beneficiaries on her life insurance policy. But one neighbor is in a white supremacist gang with plans to unload its racist fury her.
Elizabeth Fischer
Thomas Cutler