The year is 2020 and Mars has been invaded by the evil android Zelda who plans the total destruction of the human race; on Earth, an elite fighting force, the Terrahawks, stands ready at its secret base to counter Zelda's first attack.
Zelda launches her second attack; using her incredible powers and aided by her robot Cubes, the evil android traps Ninestein and Mary in a force field.
The Zeroids find a meteorite which is believed to be gold - in fact it is a golden bomb planted by Zelda! Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Desmond Saunders
Zelda releases a hideous space monster, Sram, to smash the Terrahawks; Sram has a thunderous voice, so powerful that the shock wave produced can destroy a mountain.
The Overlander, a futuristic land train, travels cross country with vital supplies for Hawknest; controlled by Zelda, journalist Darrel hijacks the huge transporter.
Spacehawk sights the battered remains of Space Probe Alpha; when the Terrahawks investigate they find themselves in terrible danger.
Windsor Davies
Jeremy Hitchen
Anne Ridler
Ben Stevens
Denise Bryer