Three people slowly start to realise that they're all dreaming discrete parts of a common dream connecting them all.
Burton must face the idea that The Woman in Red may only exist his dreams; Tess starts to learn how to navigate into other people's dreams; Taka connects the group suicide to unexpected sources.
Taka investigates the cult; Burton goes on a business trip and meets a mysterious CEO; Tess endures an unpleasant trip to her mother's house and discovers difficult information.
Burton's facade begins to crumble; Taka and Sabine find an unexpected intimacy; Tess seeks solace with a dying ex-lover.
Tess quits the experiments and learns more about her mother's secrets; Burton rejects sleep; Taka is torn.
Tess trespasses in her mother's dreams; Ann-Marie Bowen tries to recruit Taka; Burton discovers new secrets.
David Ajala
Zak Orth
Bill Boerg
Lizzie Brocheré
Will Yun Lee
Anna Wood
The Woman in Red