Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and leading particle and cosmology expert, separates fact from fiction when it comes to the possible existence of multiple universes.
Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and leading particle physics and cosmology expert, puts the role of humans into perspective vis a vis the entire universe.
Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and leading particle and cosmology expert, dissects the supersymmetry theory and its role in understanding the "hierarchy" problem in particle physics.
Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and leading particle and cosmology expert, outlines the most important questions confronting physics today.
Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and leading particle and cosmology expert, looks at some of the theories surrounding gravity, including the Randall-Sundrum Model which she co-authored.
Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and leading particle and cosmology expert, looks at the process that may have created the universe as we know it.