Puss must protect the magically veiled city of San Lorenzo after he exposes it to the world by accidentally reversing an ancient protective spell.
Puss accidentally gives the orphans a magic sugar that proves to be dangerous -- and the only cure is guarded by a powerful Sphinx.
When Toby's ninja brothers try to get him to steal San Lorenzo‘s treasure, he must decide between them and his friendship with Puss.
The Duchess, who wants to rule the world by harnessing the power of sorcerers, captures Artephius...and it's up to Puss to rescue him.
Puss is tricked into going on a quest with an old friend, Jack Sprat. What starts out as a mission to save a princess soon turns dangerous.
In an effort to save Puss's old mentor, El Guante Blanco, Puss and Dulcinea embark on an adventure to find the Fountain of Youth.
Eric Bauza
Puss in Boots
Jayma Mays
Joshua Rush
Grey Griffin
Paul Rugg