Equa is a student in the university city cluster of Ochanomizu.
Toichi wants help to escape his home cluster; his reasons come as a shock to Feles, an extractor who originally hailed from Shinjuku herself.
A plea from a famous ballet troupe brings the extractors to the divided Ikebukuro Cluster.
A grenade blows Martes clean in two, leaving the extractors both physically and mentally divided; reuniting the warring factions of her personality will be a challenge, even if they don't kill each other first.
The extractors' latest client hails from Odaiba Cluster.
When Equa comes down with a cold, the rest of the extractors set off to meet a new client without her; the team must work together without their leader.
Tomomi Mineuchi
Maria Naganawa
Shō Hayami
Shin'ichirô Miki
Rie Takahashi