This is the service story of two US Army men. Mcdermott served during Vietnam. Degroat Served during the Gulf War.
In this episode we hear the stories of two veterans. Woelk served in the Navy during the North Korean Capture of the USS Pueblo in 1968. Talbert served in the US Army.
In this episode we hear the stories of two men who served in WWII. Hutchings was part of the Army Airborne Infantry, and Beets was in the Army and Air Corps.
In this episode we hear stories from two veterans. Lacey was part of the US Army's 99th Infantry Division, and McMullin was in the reserves following WWII.
In this episode we hear from two Veterans. The first is Mabel Johnson, a woman who served in the Coast Guard. Then we hear from Bill Casassa, who served in the US Army.
In this episode we hear the stories of two of the Tuskegee Airmen. Both share a unique perspective of what it was like to be part of the US Army Air Corps during World War II.