Dr. Simon Lewis, an expert who helped to define the Anthropocene, explores the existential threat we are most familiar with - climate change. He then sets out the deeper impacts of humanity on the planet, illustrated by short segments from other experts.
Professor Pamela McElwee shows how the environmental degradation of the earth beneath our feet can be directly traced to structures like colonialism and racism.
Professor Deborah McGregor, an expert on how humans manage water, explains that while climate change is making things worse, it is human systems like agriculture and the commodification of water that is at the root of the current crisis.
Dr Ayana Johnson is an expert on ocean conservation who guides us through the major impacts of humans on the ocean - from coral bleaching to overfishing, before turning to solutions under what she calls the Blue New Deal.
Professor Narasimha Rao is an expert on the energy system that has led to the expansion of humans across the planet. He shows how deeply the fossil fuel industry is embedded in that system before turning to solutions that could lead us to net zero emissions, before it's too late.
Garry Petersen is an expert at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and is our guide to how humans must adapt if we are to avoid the tipping points that are leading towards irreparable harm to the planet.