Zhang Ligang risked everything to secure a spot at Harvard Medical school. Despite everything he dropped out before completing his PhD. Yet he returned home to China with a golden job offer and in less than 5 years he’d already made his first millions by building a selling an online company. His latest venture has now raised him to Billionaire status.
Chinese media have given Huang many nicknames -- solar madman, ambassador of renewable energies, sun king and solar patriarch -- for his contribution and perseverance in promoting solar energy use. But before all this he spent two decades working in the oil industry.
"Wang Dafu has always liked to make money. After leaving Hainan island for Shenzhen he dabbled in various trades, including selling TVs, video recorders and men's clothing. Yet there were times when he struggled to afford enough food.
After winning a scholarship to a presticious American university Sophie Sun worked on Wall Street. Many would have been happy to reach those lofty goals, but Sophie needed more of a challenge. Sun Duofei, her sister, an avid shopper was also in the US studying fashion and bringing back clothes, high and low end, to Beijing.
Judy Chan was analyst at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong, when her father asked her to take over the family business. At only 24, she moved to Shanxi in China, and faced challenges of being the youngest member of the company, and a woman. In just 14 years, she has turned the company into an award winning recognised brand, distributing her wines outside of China.
The online battleground for the Chinese tourism dollar is in full swing, and leading the pack is leisure travel company with a market share of 20.1% in 2014. Tuniu has packaged tours, covering over 140 countries worldwide and all the popular tourist attractions in China too.