The Tempo agency hires out its services for a scientific mission: in order to facilitate the reintroduction of an extinct species to our times, our heroes are accompanying Professor Chester Fletcher and his charming assistant to 8th Century rural England. The assignment is to buy a pair of sheep of a long-extinct species and to bring them back to the future.
On a TV game show, the Gropek family has won a trip through time – to the Middle Ages. A routine trip to the world of knights and damsels, with a jousting tournament as the central attraction: no particular problems for the clients or the agency. Only, from the moment they arrive in medieval times, the Gropeks turn out to be totally unmanageable.
For her 18th birthday, Kitty Carlton asks her billionaire father for a trip into the past, for her and two girlfriends. Our heroes set out with the three girls to conquer the legendary disco-world of 1970's New York.
Ageing cinema star Zelda Zander has a dream: that Leonardo da Vinci himself would paint her portrait. So she sets off on the Tempo Express, with our heroes in tow: destination 16th Century Florence.
Marinche suspects Elmer, Valentino and Stumpy are cooking up some kind of a plan. Her suspicions are confirmed when the three of them set off on a journey to the past without telling anyone.
Stumpy's niece Corinna is a palaeontologists, a dinosaur expert, and she sets off with our heroes on a field study of prehistoric times.
Jacky Bretaudeau
Tian Xiao Zhang
Eric-Paul Marais