The land has fallen into ruin, and children represent the last hope for humanity. One of them, Hiro, fails to live up to that purpose and plans to walk away from it all until he meets a girl with horns.
The parasites struggle to come to terms with Hiro being the one who piloted Strelitzia. Even Hiro can't really believe it himself. Things come to a head when he's ordered to participate in a mock battle.
After their failure in the startup trial, things are awkward between Ichigo and Hiro, who decides to ask to ride with Zero Two again.
With the squad still feeling the aftershocks of the previous mission, things come to a head as the leaders run out of patience and decide to summon Strelitzia back to the front lines.
It's time for Plantations 13 and 26 to start kissing, and the squad prepares for the huge battle this will cause. Everyone also has to get used to Hiro being Zero Two's partner.
Ichigo, Goro, and the rest of Squad 13 engage in a battle far more dangerous than any they've fought before, all while having their mind preyed on by the fact that this will be Hiro's third ride with Zero Two.
Yuto Uemura
Haruka Tomatsu
Zero Two
Yuichiro Umehara
Kana Ichinose
Mutsumi Tamura