Maou and company face their usual budget crisis; Emi and Suzuno attempt to have a conversation next door.
Alas Ramus seems dead set on the idea that Maou and Emi are her parents. After a few attempts at babysitting by Maou and Ashiya, though, it's clear that Chiho is the only one ready to cope with the realities of parenting.
Maou, Emi, and Alas Ramus have an eventful day at the amusement park.
Emi attends a sleepover at the Devil's Castle; the fight for Alas Ramus and the sacred sword begins.
Alas Ramus may be safe, but Maou and his roommates have a few more crises to face; luckily, they have strong allies on their side.
With Ohguro's new and improved look, business is booming; there are more customers than Maou and his team can handle alone.
Yuki Ono
Shiro Ashiya / Alciel
Nao Toyama
Chiho Sasaki
Jessie James Grelle
Sadao Maou
Kanae Itō
Suzuno Kamazuki
Ryōta Ōsaka