Alex Brendemühl
Alex Brendemuhl was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Brendemuhl's early acting career consisted of roles in various films, such as "Un Banco en el parque" (2001), the Monica Lopez foreign "In the City" (2003) and "Las Horas Del Dia" (2003). He also appeared in "Between Living and Dreaming" (2005), "Ausentes" (2005) and "53 Dias De Invierno" (2006). His film career continued throughout the early 2000s in productions like the comedy "Unconscious" (2006) with Leonor Watling, "About Crying" (2007) and "Yo" (2007). More recently, he continued to act in "The Consul of Sodom" (2010), "Die Liebe der Kinder" (2010) and the Gustavo Sanchez Parra suspenseful adaptation "Rage" (2011). He also appeared in "Stella cadente" (2014). Most recently, Brendemuhl acted in "Murieron por encima de sus posibilidades" (2015).