The peaceful life of Antoine Habert, a young Parisian businessman, experience turmoil after seeing a news report coming from Syria. It is 2014. The Syrian civil war escalates dramatically, as the Islamic State gains more territory, while purging cities and villages. But for Antoine, this is a personal quest: in the blurry video he believes to recognize his dead sister, Anna. Antoine, who never fully accepted Anna’s death, becomes obsessed with the video. He starts investigating, just to prove himself wrong. As time goes by, Antoine becomes convinced that this is in fact his sister, fighting against ISIS alongside Kurdish militias. Antoine leaves his wife and parents in Paris, and flies to Turkey to learn more about the mysterious woman in the video. In a series of events, Antoine decides to cross the border to Syria. The dangers of ISIS are yet to be known to most Europeans, and going for a few hours seems like an easy task. Antoine is about to be kidnapped by ISIS terrorists, when the entire group is attacked by the YPJ, a Kurdish all-female militia. They mistaken Antoine for an ISIS volunteer, capture him and take him to their base, in the frontline.
At the Kurdish base, Antoine is interrogated by a YPJ officer named Sarya. He cannot prove his story, and treated as an ISIS prisoner. The arrival of Nasser, Iyad and Paul - three British jihadists - changes dramatically the balance of power between ISIS and the Kurds. With the help of the three Brits, the Kurdish base where Antoine is held, is attacked by mortars, to allow ISIS send reinforcement to region. Sarya and a group of international volunteers is sent to blow up a strategic bridge. Antoine is sent with them, on his way to the Kurdish capital. On their way, one of the volunteers recognizes Anna, Antoine’s sister from a picture. He identifies her as Shamaran and claims to have seen her in Syria. Antoine decides to stay in Syria and search for Shamaran.
Antoine joins Sarya's commando force on a mission to blow up the bridge. Once the mission is completed, they are ordered to join Shamaran’s unit. With the help of Antoine, the YPJ fighters succeed in blowing up the bridge, but immediately after are attacked by ISIS troops. Ryan, the American volunteer, is killed. In the ISIS village, the British Jihadists get used to their new life under the ruling of the Islamic State. They take part in violent actions against civilians, as ISIS mercilessly expands its control over the area. Nasser, one of the British Jihadis, is an undercover agent secretly working for MI6. Nasser meets with Stanley, his handler, and receives orders to keep his activities within ISIS.
Antoine, Sarya and the volunteers settle in a Kurdish village and wait for Shamaran's battalion to arrive; the Kurdish village is spared, but the Jihads, under the Nasser's command, defeat the Kurdish female fighters in the frontline.
After accepting that Anna is dead, Antoine decides to leave Syria and go back home. However, the entire region was taken by ISIS. Sarya is tasked to escort Antoine back to the Kurdish capital. The dangerous journey brings Antoine and Sarya closer. She is shaken by the loss of her friends, and finds comfort in Antoine. The next day, Antoine and Sarya are stopped by ISIS patrol. Antoine saves Sarya’s life by killing one of the Jihadis. After winning the big battle, Nasser is summoned to the capital of the Islamic State. He’s promoted and receives a seat in the military council. Nasser is distraught by the atrocities he had seen and decides to leave Syria. Nasser meets Stanley, his handler, and asks for a way out. Only now, Nasser discovers that he was manipulated and lied to. He believed he was working for British intelligence and helping his country, but the whole time he was working for the Israeli intelligence, the Mossad.
Anna cuts all ties with Antoine and her parents. She moves to Cairo and works as an archeologist. She lives an unhappy and lonely life. Anna is approached by Stanley, the Mossad agent, who presents himself as a human-rights activist. He manipulates Anna to go to Iran on his behalf, and later recruits her officially to work for the Mossad, by using Anna’s animosity towards the Iranian regime who killed her lover. Anna moves to Iran to work at an archeological site. She uses her position as a cover to do intelligence work for the Mossad. At first, Anna focuses on handling opposition elements, but later she starts collecting intelligence on the Iranian nuclear program. As time passes by, Anna recruits a young Kurdish woman, living in Iran, to assist her. Things take a bad turn when the Mossad assassinates Iranian nuclear scientists. Anna is exfiltrated by Stanley, but her Kurdish friend is captured and executed. As a result, Anna decides to terminate her relationship with the Mossad and Stanley. With the help from the Mossad, she fakes her death in an explosion and goes to Syria, to fight for the Kurds, in order to atone for her sins and mistakes.
Félix Moati
Antoine Habert
Mélanie Thierry
Souheila Yacoub
Sarya Dogan
Dean Ridge
Paul Wilkins
James Purefoy