The Age of Pericles

The Age of Pericles

S1 E6: "The streets of Knossos in 500 BC: the inhabitants are elegant and cheerful, the houses modern, it's civilization advanced. No bloodthirsty gods, no powerful army. Only the joy, the pleasure of living... It wouldn't last though. The Achaeans, jealous of its civilization, come to invade Crete. It remains for the barbarians to surpass their masters. At the same time as Darius the Great is building the sumptuous palace at Persepolis, Buddha and Confucius are spreading their influence in the Orient, and a young democracy is governing in Athens. 450 BC: Socrates is twenty years old. Pericles is 45 when he gives the discourse in which he defines the rights and obligations of a democratic state at the Pnyx..."