Join director Ron Oliver as he shows us his "Favorite Places" in Vancouver, B.C.
Join actor Nelson Wong, as he shows us his "Favorite Places" in Vancouver, B.C.
Join activist/former city councilman Gordon Price, as he shows us his "Favorite Places" in Vancouver, B.C.
Beloved actor Denis Simpson passed away unexpected in 2010. We continue to run this epsiode posthumously, dedicating it to his memory. Denis was very special to all of us and his love of the city is evident in this episode. So please join writer and theatre actor Denis Simpson as he showed us his "Favorite Places" in Vancouver, B.C.
Join politician and activist Libby Davies, as she shows us her "Favorite Places" in Vancouver, B.C.
Join radio host and T.V. personality Jonny Staub, as he shows us his "Favorite Places" in Vancouver, B.C.