A JSDF reservist becomes an accidental hero, is promoted and sent through a dimensional gate into another world.
The emperor of the Imperial Capital orders an attack on the intruders; Itami and the JSDF try to get acquainted with the locals.
Itami finds an elf, the lone survivor of a town destroyed by the capital and finally meets a mage and a Goth-loli.
The JSDF leads refugees to camp after the fight with the fire dragon. To step themselves relying on the JSDF, refugees realise they can sell dragon scales for a good price at the local market.
Itami leads his forces to Italica. When he arrives, he runs into Princess Pina, who recruits the men in green to help the city ward off bandits.
The JSDF sends a helicopter unit to assist in defending Italica. It arrives just in time, blasting Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries from loudspeakers as it annihilates the invaders.
David Wald
Youji Itami
Juliet Simmons
Tuka Luna Marceau
Brittney Karbowski
Lelei La Lelena
Junichi Suwabe
Yoji Itami
Jessica Boone
Piña Co Lada