Griffin Arnlund experiences boob envy, Alli Simpson gets sex ed, and Carrie Rad gets her period while on a date.
Rebecca Black wages a breakup war, Alex DeMartino fights to give her best friend the best birthday ever, and Carrie Rad plucks out her eyebrows.
Caeli demonstrates how to kiss, Alli Simpson and Brian Redmon's relationship, Carrie Rad learns how to break up, and Rebecca Black has a secret.
Rebecca Black cures a grump, Alex DeMartino has a crazy period, Griffin Arnlund and Sam Pottorff flirt, and Rebecca romances an avocado.
Caeli shows how to make friends, Alli Simpson goes to a sexy party, and Rebecca Black fixes a pathetic aesthetic.
Caeli demonstrates how to get a prom date, Griffin Arnlund crams for an exam, Brian Redmon looks sexy with makeup, and Jay Versace wants friends.
Matthew Manson