Søren Pilmark

Soren Pilmark was an actor who graced the silver screen many times throughout his Hollywood career. Pilmark started his acting career landing roles in such films as "Peter von Scholten" (1987) with Ole Ernst, "Camping" (1990) and the dramedy "The Kingdom" (1995) with Ernst-Hugo Jaregard. He also appeared in "The Kingdom II" (1998), "Kat" (2001) and "Flickering Lights" (2003). His film career continued throughout the early 2000s in productions like the drama "Aftermath" (2004) with Sofie Grabol and "King's Game" (2004). He followed this honor with a role in "Hvordan Vi Slipper Af Med De Andre" (2007). Recently, he continued to act in the foreign "The Early Years--Erik Nietzsche Part 1" (2007) with Jonatan Spang, the Nikolaj Kopernikus comedy "With Your Permission" (2007) and the Nikolaj Lie Kaas comedic adventure "Ved verdens ende" (2009). He also appeared in the foreign "Parterapi" (2010) with Nikolaj Lie Kaas and "The Absent One" (2014). He held additional roles in television including a part on "Vikings" (History, 2012-). Most recently, Pilmark appeared in "The Saboteurs" (2015-).
