John Viener

John Viener

Seth MacFarlane usually gets the lion's share of credit for the success of the animated television comedy "Family Guy": after all, he is credited as its creator, co-developer, and co-executive producer, and has provided voice work. But there are others that have lent a hand in the show's success, such as producer/writer/voice artist John Viener. Viener got his start in show business as an actor during the early 21st century, appearing as Chevy Chase in the 2002 television biopic "Gilda Radner: It's Always Something." But it was upon signing with the "Family Guy" crew when the show was revived in 2005, after a three-year lay-off that Viener began receiving recognition for his work. Supplying voices for various characters on the show, as well as writing and/or producing various episodes, Viener would receive an Annie Award nomination in 2007. In addition to "Family Guy," Viener has appeared on other shows as an actor, as well as offering voice work for another of MacFarlane's popular animated television comedies, "The Cleveland Show."