Vincent Lambert, a nurse and family man, is the victim of a car accident. Plunged into an unknown state, his relatives try to stimulate him to wake up, but in this family, solidarity is blunted and everyone returns to their own lives.
A doctor stops Vincent's nutrition without informing his parents and siblings. The family objects and launches a legal battle, which does not succeed in resolving the situation. The case then goes all the way to the top of the State.
The affair unleashes passions and all the blows are allowed. Under pressure and threatened with death, the doctor leaves the hospital. Vincent's name is used to sway the law and part of the family loses control.
Eleven years after Vincent's accident, his wife Rachel and his mother Viviane reach the end of their wills, revealing all their strength of character. Vincent is taken off life support for the final time. A divided France witnesses his death live.
Rachel Lambert
François Hollande
Viviane Lambert
Dr. Eric Kariger
Dr. Louis Puybasset