Karisma Kapoor
A member of the renowned Kapoor family of Indian actors that includes her father (Randhir Kapoor) and mother (Babita), Karishma Kapoor began appearing on screen while in her teens, making her debut in the 1991 romantic drama "Prem Qaidi." While many of Kapoor's early movies weren't notably successful, she finally scored a hit in 1996 with "Raja Hindustani," co-starring Aamir Khan, and had another major success the following year with "Dil To Pagal Hai." Although Kapoor continued to star in well-received films, including 2002's "Shakthi: The Power," she began an extended screen hiatus in 2003. Nine years later, Kapoor returned to movies in the highly anticipated 3D film "Dangerous Ishhq."