The lives of four people – Mizo, a delivery driver who dreams of being a famous singer, Sukkar and Sherbat, two sisters who are worlds apart, and reckless Ashraf – unwittingly collide when they cross paths with each other
Ashraf destroys Mizo’s delivery bike, causing the latter to lose his job and later, he discovers that his fiancée is cheating on him On the flip side, his good friend Tasamoh secures a gig that brings Mizo one step closer to his dream
Sukkar and Sherbat try to get their inheritance while Mizo performs at a wedding Later, the police barge into the wedding and arrest everyone
While Mizo prepares to travel to Cairo, his mum gives him a small amount of money to help him get by Radwan harasses Sherbat, causing her to conspire with her sister against him
Hakim and Ayman find space for Mizo in Faisal’s apartment Later, Sherbat and Sukkar come home and end up quarreling with Mizo who thought they were call girls
The neighbours take an interest in Mizo after he saves a woman and gets injured in the process Meanwhile, Sherbat tries to harass Mizo in an attempt to get rid of him