Joo Eun, once the Venus of her high school and now an overweight lawyer, and Young Ho, a celebrity trainer caught in the midst of a scandal, meet on a hectic plane ride to Korea.
Young Ho keeps saving Joo Eun from embarrassing situations. Joo Eun's new co-worker is an old friend, but also Woo Shik's new girlfriend.
Joo Eun begins training under Ji Woong, led to believe that he is John Kim; Young Ho finds himself worrying about Joo Eun.
Joo Eun agrees not to reveal Young Ho's identity, and Young Ho, Joon Sung, and Ji Woong agree to help her get back in shape.
Joo Eun stays at Young Ho's house after her stalker is set free. Young Ho travels to Daegu to have his leg examined.
Young Ho, Joon Sung, and Ji Woong live as Joo Eun for a day to celebrate her weight loss; Soo Jin is saddened by Woo Shik paying more attention to Joo Eun than her.
So Ji-sub
Gim Yeong-ho
Shin Min-a
Jung Gyu-woon
Yoo In-young
Ban Hyo-jeong
Lee Hong-im