At King's Landing, Ned is shocked to learn of the Crown's profligacy. Jon Snow starts his training to become a man of the Night's Watch and wary of the Lannisters hand in Bran's fall, Catelyn covertly follows Ned.
Arya trains. Jorah and Tyrion run into slavers. Trystane and Myrcella make plans. Jaime and Bronn reach their destination. The Sand Snakes attack.
The Faith Militant grow increasingly aggressive. Jaime and Bronn head south. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes vow vengeance.
Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis remains stubborn. Jaime attempts to reconnect with family.
An old foe comes back into the picture. Gilly meets Sam's family. Arya faces a difficult choice. Jaime faces off against the High Sparrow.