Harley Quinn Smith
Named after the Batman villainess, Harley Quinn Smith appeared in several of her famous father Kevin's films including "Tusk" (2014), "Moose Jaws" (2016) and her very own star vehicle "Yoga Hosers" (2016). Born in Red Bank, NJ. Following blink and you'll miss it roles in his poorly-received romantic comedy "Jersey Girl" (2004) and long-awaited sequel "Clerks II" (2006), Smith enjoyed her first notable bit of screen time playing convenience store employee Colleen McKenzie in comedy horror "Tusk" (2014). Two years later she reprised the role to share top billing alongside childhood friend Lily-Rose Depp in "Yoga Hosers" (2016), a similarly offbeat film in which their characters team up with a legendary man hunter to thwart an ancient evil threatening to derail their hard-partying plans. In that same year Smith landed her first role outside of her father's cinematic universe when she voiced Sandra in "Other Fish" (2016), an animated short about a divorced mother's attempt to swim in shark infested waters. But she soon returned to more familiar territory, playing Colleen McKenzie for a third time in the final part of Kevin Smith's True North trilogy, "Moose Jaws" (2016), Holly, one of three webcam girls who take revenge against their oppressive employer, in his Halloween segment of horror anthology "Holidays" (2016), and Brodie Bruce's daughter Banner in the small screen spin-off "Mallbrats" (2016).