Martin Sundby is going to help Christer Falck, Trine Lise Olsen, Håvard Lilleheie, Sandeep Singh, Agnete Husebye and Jørn Hoel get in shape.
The six contestants are going for a check-up at the doctor’s. After some rough weeks of training they are all in pain.
After six weeks of exercise, the contestants are starting to see progress, both at the gym and also when looking in the mirror.
Eight weeks have passed and the contestants are due for a weigh-in at the nutritionist's. Have they achieved their goals, or failed miserably?
After last week's weigh-in, the contestants will be given diets and exercise programs. Martin and Anette work out a plan of action for them.
It's week 11 and the need for variation in the exercise programs arises. Trine-Lise tries kick-boxing, Agnete gets to go skiing.
Martin Johnsrud Sundby
Anette Skarpaas Ramm
Ragnhild Skaale
Jens Bull
Evelina Mori