Secret alien Clark Kent and his best friend Jimmy Olsen start their internship at The Daily Planet and meet fellow intern Lois Lane, who ropes them into investigating stolen military robots threatening Metropolis.
Clark returns to the Kent farm with questions about where he's from and who he wants to be; Lois and Jimmy track down the mercenary Livewireand encounter Superman once again.
Lois wants to interview Superman and Clark must figure out how to help her while protecting his secret identity; criminal ring INTERGANG gets their hands on unstable weapons, and a mysterious organization plots in the shadows.
Clark, Lois, and Jimmy cover a glitzy gala hosted by tech-billionaire Dr. Ivo, but while Clark and Lois wonder if this counts as a date, Ivo unleashes his newest invention: a creation that can bring down Superman.
Lois uncovers a secret in Metropolis and is determined to get to the truth; Superman tracks down dangerous weapons in the city and finds himself in the crosshairs of mysterious organization Task Force X.
When Jimmy gets kidnapped, it's up to Lois and Clark to save him - but rescuing Jimmy will lead them into danger as they deal with mad scientists, military secrets, and relationship woes!
Jack Quaid
Clark Kent/Superman
Alice Lee
Lois Lane
Ishmel Sahid
Jimmy Olsen
Sam Register