As Captain of the slo pitch beer league team, the Brovaries, Joanne is determined to make this season count, but the team just can't get their act together. Joanne's hot lawyer fiancé is so bad that kicking her off the team is the only solution. Stoner-bisexual Ann is sleeping with two members of the Brovaries' biggest rival team, and disgraced ex pro player Mel has sunk into a deep depression. If all that wasn't enough, German beer hound Boris needs to find a wife or face imminent deportation before playoffs, and rookie Lee spends more time with her glove on her head making Tik Tok videos than catching anything. The Brovaries need to come together if they're going to make it past the drama, save a marriage, fake a marriage and beat their rival team, The Blue Gays. There may not be any money, trophies or sponsorship deals up for grabs, but for the Brovaries, slo pitch is life or death. Well, maybe for Joanne anyway. Everyone else is just in it for the beer. And the girls.