The team heads to Croatia to capture an American fugitive who escaped to Zagreb with a 14-year-old girl; Europol agent Katrin Jaeger attempts to help the team secure the necessary support from the less-than-cooperative local authorities.
A young mother flees to Hungary with her son after losing partial custody of her son in the U.S.; after the boy is kidnapped from his mother in broad daylight in Budapest, the team questions which parent is the danger in the child's life.
The team investigates when the hijacking of cryptocurrency en route to a safety vault in Switzerland leaves an American transporter dead and another on the run.
An American citizen proclaims his innocence after seeking sanctuary at Madrid's U.S. embassy while still covered in the blood of his murdered Spanish boyfriend; Vo and Raines continue to grow their friendship.
The team investigates an American journalist's death by poison after his attempt to meet with an anonymous source in Poland; Kellett takes Forrester to task for being overprotective with her during the mission.
After a U.S. intelligence negotiator goes missing and her ransacked Paris apartment is discovered to be covered in her blood, the team is on the clock to find her before the country's nuclear secrets fall into the wrong hands.
Heida Reed
Special Agent Jamie Kellett
Carter Redwood
Special Agent Andre Raines
Vinessa Vidotto
Special Agent Cameron Vo
Eva-Jane Willis
Megan "Smitty" Garretson
Christina Wolfe
Special Agent Amanda Tate