Nikki Kuhnhausen lives loud and proud on social media. When the 17-year-old goes missing, her own social media helps police unravel the mystery of an unspeakable hate crime.
When 14-year-old Candice Parchment goes missing, the police write her off as a runaway; months later, her body is found blocks from her home; investigators are stumped until Candice's own writing helps uncover the horrifying truth behind her murder.
In 2012, Brandy Rosine drives an hour into Pennsylvania, but as night falls, the college student stops answering her family's calls; it's up to her mum to follow a trail of digital breadcrumbs Brandy left behind to find her daughter's killers.
Shockwaves rip through a college campus in Missouri when 21-year-old Jesse Valencia is found with his throat slashed; with a litany of suspects and a secret revealed by Jesse, investigators must untangle a web of lies to uncover an unlikely killer.
In the winter of 2013, 14-year-old Shaniesha Forbes never made it home after school; her charred remains turn up on a Brooklyn beach days later, but this teen leaves behind a mountain of digital evidence for the NYPD to sift through.
The town of Armada, Michigan changes forever when April Millsap's body is found; police search for the teen's missing phone and discover a fitness app could hold the key to finding her killer.
Rav Wilding
Nicola Haycocks
Lloyd Thompson
Vicki Lines
Charlie Anderson