Mr Snail sets out on an adventure to the puddle. Join him as he meets a bird and discovers the taste of puddle water. / Mr Snail discovers a nest on a porch. / Mr Snail explores grass in a garden.
Mr Snail meets Robin Red Breast and discovers the secret of migrating birds on their way to a new nest. / Mr Snail has fun exploring ants. / Mr Snail discovers life by the sea. Hear the sound of waves as they wash onto the shore.
Mr Snail is afraid of the dark, and his torch has gone out. See the glowing firefly friends he meets. / Mr Snail meets a stunning butterfly, cute caterpillar and cocoon. / Mr Snail explores moles in a cauliflower field.
Mr Snail meets a parrot and learns that they repeat what they hear. / Mr Snail meets a smart street cat. / Two dung beetles are fighting over a dung ball. Join Mr Snail as he finds another ball so that there’s enough for all.
Join Mr Snail as he meets a lovely cricket at night. Discover how the cricket makes that sound by rubbing his wings. / Mr Snail meets a frog in the pond. / Mr Snail meets a beautiful bee. Join the bee as she puts the nectar she sucked out of a flower into a honeycomb and seals it up with wax.
Mr Snail meets a beaver and his son by the lake. / Mr Snail meets a magical chameleon. At first, he’s green and then he’s brown. / Mr Snail meets a sleepy dormouse.