A Christmas Star
A truly special Christmas movie! A host of film and television stars join forces to tell the magical and heartwarming story of a spirited young girl who charms her entire village. With a cast that includes Robert James-Collier, Bronagh Waugh and Richard Clements. The film is narrated by Liam Neeson and features cameos from Kylie Minogue, Dermot O’Leary, Suranne Jones, Pierce Brosnan and Julian Fellowes. Featuring the song We Can Shine sung by Zena Donnelly. Set in the picturesque village of Pottersglen in Northern Ireland, A Christmas Star follows the intrepid Noelle who, born in dramatic circumstances under the Christmas Star, believes she has the gift to perform strange miracles. When conniving developer McKerrod threatens her peaceful village she teams up with a misfit gang of local kids to save the village from demolition. But one by one her friends lose faith in Noelle’s abilities and she is left to fight McKerrod on her own. The town’s future hinges on a final showdown in Belfast’s historic Stormont building as Noelle implores politicians, her friends and the watching world to believe in the true meaning of Christmas...love.
Rob James-Collier, Suranne Jones, Bronagh Waugh
Richard Elson