Ruby Fires Back

Ruby Fires Back

S3 E9: When Jeff and Georgia tell Ruby about recent crimes plaguing their neighborhoods, Ruby grows scared and admits her fears of becoming a victim herself. Concerned her size will be an issue, Ruby decides to take matters into her own hands to learn how to protect herself. First, Georgia takes her to a shooting range where she learns how to fire a gun, but Ruby realizes that she doesn't feel comfortable owning a firearm. Instead, Ruby feels empowered when she takes a self-defense class. Also, during Women's Fat Night, Ruby convinces the ladies to take part in a 6-day intensive program led by addiction specialist Tennie McCarty to tackle their food addictions head-on. But when the women arrive at Tennie's house, some of the women start to have second thoughts about taking part in such an extreme program. Can Ruby convince them to stay and face their fears?